The App to OPT out of unwanted items or OPT in to someone else's unwanted items
What is OPT?
I designed this app based on an idea to assist those who are cluttered with things of use that they no longer need.
Why OPT?
I found that many items, such as device chargers, adapters, tools, kitchen supplies, and over-abundance from gardens create a clutter that have people feeling guilt for either not utilizing or trashing the item.
My solution...
I wanted to find a solution to end the guilt and clutter with OPT. With this app, you are allowed a few locations of your own to set up items you may no longer want or need for pickup. Those around you can find your items listed and may request some or all of your items available.
You may search for items of your own with a suggested list of items that might interest you based on your searches.
AYAR is a public health study network for young adults in the Chicagoland area centered around HIV health and services.
My approach to this design was having as much information as possible in a compact format to give an idea of what the service or product may provide.
Paying homage to red ribbon (AIDS ribbon) via the graphic above the text
Using iconography such as the white cross to signify health or medical service related service
Limiting the color palette to economize printed material containing the logo as well
ATS is a compliance auditing firm for real estate brokerages in the state of California.
My approach to this design was creating a simple and sleek design with subtle graphics to maintain a professional look
Limiting color palette to economize printing the logo
Utilizing a check mark as part of the acronym to symbolize part of the auditing process
Using complimentary colors sparingly to enhance aesthetic without overshadowing the text portion
083-01 is a sub study involving research on the efficacy of potential future HIV preventative methods involving vaccines.
My approach to this design was including necessary key words while being compact and maintaining a sleek and professional design.
Paying homage to red ribbon (AIDS ribbon) via red portion of the '8'
Including keywords to make the logo easily searchable online
Limiting the color palette to economize printed material containing the logo as well
Iced Chicago is owned by a local Chicago freelance baker and cake designer.
My approach to this design was to utilize graphics and colors to give the viewer a good idea of what service/product the logo entails
Limiting color palette to economize printing the logo
Utilizing graphics like the piping nozzle and pinched dot on the 'i' to symbolize icing on a dessert
Mixing a cursive and sans-serif font to balance a 'fun' and 'professional' aesthetic
Character Illustrations
These illustrations were created using an Apple Pencil™ and iPad Pro™ on the Procreate application based on existent or original character designs I created.
Stylized Portraits
These illustrations were created using multiple applications including Procreate, Photoshop, and Aseprite (pixel art illustration), that are based on real life people.
Flyer for study recruitment
This design was made to help recruit participants for a national health study to determine the efficacy of HIV vaccines
I approached the design with primary colored simple vectors and a brown bag-like background in hopes of reaching the younger audience that the study was eligible for.
Flyer for study recruitment
This design was made to help recruit participants for a national health study to determine the efficacy of HIV vaccines
I approached the design with similar techniques as the design to the left, but with a more school-like aesthetic in hopes of reaching the older audience that may be parents to eligible participants
Flyer for health conference
This was created for a national health conference workshop that held a conversation about disparities in the Latinx community
I approached this design with a vibrant palette matching the conference logo and organic overlapping shapes with hands holding out signifying helping hands among people of color in the Latinx communities.